/pol/ - Politically Incorrect (Q)
Say it with me There is
1, Q.
2, Anons.
There is no Qanon.
Re-read the boards any time I've used the term in any capacity I was either talking about the strawman the enemy was going to construct "making claims" about me or otherwise indicating this false construct. Thanks for proving once again to the world that there are people constructing false negativity toward Q and that you're too fucking lazy to actually read a board, let alone enough boards to know wtf is going on. Also, learn proper English rules the next time you want to criticize proper nouns are always capitalized, and a title is done in all caps. If a board is mixed caps and lowercase separate the board into 2 new sentence structures.

As for Questioning me I am more than happy to answer any valid question, yet I rarely see one all I see are not very vailed attempts at doxing me through questions/insults or just outright insults. Also, I thought the Matlock password was a fairly clear indicator that people were attempting to hack Q, it was the reason it was set to such an easy hack meaning you can't even trust these boards "Trust no one" means no one. Deception hacks/moles are an expected part of the job ask any IC agent.
Side note: Roseanne Barr had a great interview today and yes they are definitely after attacking mothers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vx1kSIxOnAo&ab_channel=MichaelMalice
You can see this in how the entire political and tax system is built, not to mention social pressures and the media's jaded views on it. All brought to you by the same CCP bots that spammed my boards for years.

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