

Ten members of Gradeup named Anjali, Sanju, Arpan, Jhansi, Ankit, Puneeth,

Madhu, Bhardwaj, Sundari and Gautam are sitting in 2 rows one above the other Members are numbered 1,2,3....10. The

members 1, 2......5 are in row 1 and rest in row 2 which is above row 1

The members are arranged in

increasing order of number given to them. Like the member number 1 is placed on extreme left of row 1, then member number 2 and so on. Similarly

the member number 6 is placed on extreme left of row 2, and so on. Each member contains a certain number of red and blue pens. There is at least one red pen with each member. The

weight of each red pen is 15 gram and that of each blue pen is 6 gram. Member number 3 owns pen which weights 33

gram. There is one member between member number 3 and Anjali. Anjali has 1 more red pen and 6 blue pens more than

that of member number 3. Puneeth is just above Anjali. Puneeth has same number of red pens as Anjali and 1

blue pen. There are 2 chairs between Sundari and Puneeth. The weight of pens of Sundari is 3g greater than that of Puneeth. Gautam is immediate next in

number to Sundari.

Gautam has 1 red pen more than that of Puneeth and 1 blue pen less than that of Sundari

There is one member between Gautam and Bhardwaj.

Arpan is just below Bhardwaj. The weight of Sanju's pen is 6

g less than the member immediate next in number. There is only one member between Arpan and Ankit

Madhu is in row 2. Sanju is just below the Madhu. The weight of pens of row 1 is 267 g and that of row 2 is 231 g Madhu has same number of red and

blue pens. Bhardwaj has 1 red pen more than Madhu. The weight of pens of Bhardwaj is 24 g more than the weight of pen of Sanju. The weight of pen of

Jhansi is half the weight of pen of Anjali. Ankit has more than three red pens. ...

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