Просто о сложном: Доклады наиболее влиятельных американских «мозговых центров» на российскую тематику в октябре – ноябре 2017 #nobrainer #thinktanks

Просто о сложном: Доклады наиболее влиятельных американских «мозговых центров» на российскую тематику в октябре – ноябре 2017 #nobrainer #thinktanks


Продолжаю публиковать ежемесячную подборку докладов американских «мозговых центров» (think tanks) на российскую и смежную тематику (правда, теперь сразу за два месяца). В некоторых случаях делаю исключение и даю ссылки не только на доклады, но и на наиболее интересные статьи, опубликованные сотрудниками этих организаций в различных изданиях.

The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

1.      Cybersecurity Campaign Playbook



Heritage Foundation

1.      Why the U.S. Should Not Ignore Russia’s Persecution of the Crimean Tatars

2.      Communism’s Century of Devastation

3.      Communism: Years After the Russian Revolution, it Lives on More Than You Think



The Council on Foreign Relations

1.      Countering Russian Information Operations in the Age of Social Media

2.      Economic Constraints on Russian Foreign Policy



RAND Corporation

1.      How Might Russia Respond to U.S. and NATO Posture Changes?

2.      Policy Challenges in the Arctic: Q&A with Abbie Tingstad



The Atlantic Council

1.      Partners or Competitors? The Future of the Iran-Russia Power Tandem in the Middle East

2.      The Kremlin’s Trojan Horses 2.0

3.      Turkey: Managing Tensions and Options to Engage

4.      Tehran Stands Atop the Syria-Iran Alliance

5.      The Middle East After Decertification: A French Perspective

6.      Aligning Economic Sanctions

7.      US Strategy Options for Iran’s Regional Challenge





1.      Has Central Asia Stabilized?

2.      Hints of a Shift in the Ukraine Conflict

3.      Russia Celebrates an Uncomfortable Centennial



Center for Strategic and International Studies

1.      Maritime Futures: The Arctic and the Bering Strait Region

2.      Security in Northern Europe and the Road to the 2018 NATO Summit

3.      Policy Priorities in U.S.-Russia Relations

4.      Russia and Saudi Arabia: A New Oil Bromance?

5.      Allies and Influence in Syria

6.      Making Oil the Foundations of a Political Settlement in Kirkuk

7.      U.S.-Russia Economic Relations

8.      NATO’s Emerging Challenges: Speech to 11th Allied Land Command Corps Commanders’ Conference, Valencia, Spain



Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

1.      What Is Russia Up To in the Middle East?

2.      Gains & Pains?

3.      Putin’s Populism Trap

4.      Red Scares, Then and Now

5.      Entanglement: Chinese and Russian Perspectives on Non-nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Risks

6.      The Putin Files: From Rising Russian Political Force to U.S. Election Intervention

7.      The Putin Files: The U.S.-Russian Reset

8.      The Putin Files: Consolidating Power

9.      The Putin Files: The Economy

10.  Is Putin Losing Control of Russia's Conservative Nationalists?

11.  Alexei Navalny’s Permanent Revolution



The Brookings Institution

1.      Trump, Xi, Putin, and the axis of disorder




The Jamestown Foundation

1.      From Sochi to the Sahel: Russia’s Expanding Footprint

2.      High-Technology Set to Dominate Russia’s Rearmament Program

3.      Kremlin Turning Belarus Into Bridgehead for Anti-Ukrainian Provocations

4.      Moscow Again Training More Belarusian Youths in Ultra-Right Camps in Russia

5.      New Railway Route from China to Europe Through Russia: Bluff or Tactical Ploy?

6.      Russia in Syria: Life After the Islamic State

7.      Declaring Victory in Syria, Putin Stands to Lose the Elusive Peace

8.      И прочее.


Довольно много других публикаций The Jamestown Foundation на заявленную тему можно также найти по ссылке ниже.


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