

Create a photograph of a banana in space that conveys an atmosphere of horror and fear. The composition should revolve around a banana, floating in the cosmic abyss with gloomy skies and lifeless planets. The color palette should be highly contrasted, combining dark shades of purple, black, and blood-red. The main focus should be on the contorted banana, illuminated by sinister lighting. The space around the banana should be filled with darkness, casting shadows that evoke the presence of invisible threats. The photograph should convey a sense of movement and terror, with menacing silhouettes of distorted beings floating around. The banana's pose should be absurd and unsettling, eliciting confusion and repulsion. The banana itself should be adorned with strange textures and patterns, creating an unnatural and enigmatic allure. In the background, far beyond the planets, there should be an eerie and ominous atmosphere with dark shadows and indiscernible figures. The entire frame should be composed in a way that instills nothing but apprehension, fear, and uncertainty, creating a malevolent presence of a banana in cosmic horror

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