Project -----

Project -----



This is where people will mainly log in , inserting their username , password and then steam guard.

Site example : (Also phishing and also mine) .

The fake window i believe its made using iFrame or some fake modal windows dont really know about that.

All of the sites domains would need to run on the same IP so that it would be able to create a lot of them having only 1 IP .

When the user inserts their information on one of the phishing sites , the system would automaticly get his Steam Session .

For a worker to check if the user logged in on the phishing site , he would just need to insert the user Steam ID 64 and click "Check" telling him if he logged in or not . If he did logged in , the user would be binded to the worker panel forever (until the user Steam Session is closed for anyreason) .  ---- If the session is closed , user is unbided from worker so that if he logs again from other worker it can be checked .

If someone makes someone log in and doesnt check him , it would go to my admin panel and would be binded to myself.

How would the sites work?

Well i m not really a coder so i guess this part is up to you :p but here´s what i know:

All of the phishing domains would have the same IP , idk if a server or a proxy.

Phishing sites get red flagged easily and a way to counter that its using this --

Doesn´t need to be this one specificly but all of the domains will need to run with this so that they dont get flagged.

On my panel there would need to be a automatic domain install. Like lets say i buy a new domain, , from my panel i could choose the design i want ,domain name and after clicking server would automaticly install everything (from the design to the SSL)

Example --

To automatic install a SSL i believe it would need some free SSL website with a API .

To automatic install the website design only by choosing it . (I guess it would have the preset already so it would just copy it)

This would allow for the system to run a lot of domains and with a easy install . The install process would be available for admin and partner , having the admin more features and power over it.


Sessions that are kept on the system need to backup themselfs and need to run the longer possible without expire. 

It would need to be able to run multi bots (and i could stop/start and add bots from the admin panel)

Multi bots so that if a bot is busy (like it changed avatar 1 minute ago) it will use another bot and also due to trade bans , avoiding them has max has possible.

Server would need to run some kind of backup because it may get banned from providor or something.On tuesday Steam tends to make mainutence and go down , so some kind of auto restart or something would be needed so that server doesnt break down.

From a victim point they :

Log on a phishing site

Make a simple trade or deposit and get "tricket" but its far more than that.

The algorythm of the trades would work on several ways:

1- If user sends a offer for nothing. (A deposit offer)

User accepts offer on computer.

Offer is canceled.

New offer is sent from user account to one of the bots.

Bot copies avatar,name and message code of the original offer.

Users accepts offer on mobile -- profit

2 -If user sends a offer for trade (Normal trade)

User accepts offer on computer.

Offer is canceled.

New offer is sent from user account to one of the bots. (with user items for nothing)

Bot copies avatar,name and message code of the original offer.

Users accepts offer on mobile -- profit

3- If user sends a offer with 5 cases in the first offer slots (Trade offer but with cases)

User makes offer with at least 5 cases on the first slots , rest doesnt matter

User accepts offer on computer.

Offer is canceled.

New offer is sent from user account to one of the bots. (with user items for nothing) 

Bot copies avatar,name and message code of the original offer.

Users accepts offer on mobile -- profit


Domains/Sites Tab

-Be able to setup new domain (choosing design)

 -Be able to add new designs on the system and delete them or change them (upload them in a way).

 -Be able to check all domains made from partners

 -Be able to make passive domains and assign them to a worker. (Normal domains when someone logs in they need to be checked so that its assigned to a worker , but passive domains dont need to be assigned. The domain itself its already assigned to a worker so every log in this domain goes automaticly to a worker).

Scammers TAB

 - Can add and remove scammers creating user,pass trade url, btc wallet and %.

 - Can check statistic for scammers , how much scammed per day,week,month and all time and also his %.

 - Can change a scammer pw or user if needed

Partners TAB

-Can add and remove partners creating user,pass trade url , btc wallet and %

 - Can check statistic for partners, how much scammed per day,week,month and all time and also his %.

 - Can change a partner pw or user if needed.

The way partners work is that they have control over their bots , and they will pay a wage for me from x to x days. I m still thinking on how to make this part , if i m the one that requests the payments , or if they send the payments ,make a request from their panel that they did and if i see that i got it , i mark it has paid.

Trades TAB

  - Can check history of trades from all bots , from what scammer each trade was,what victim . Also says trade url and bot steam id 64 that the trade went.

Members TAB

  - Can check all accounts logged on the system .

  - Can see from who scammer it is , steam id 64 and name of victim ,price per inventory.

  - Be able to transfer session from one worker to another.

Payments TAB

  - Can mark paid,decline or refund payments

  - Can check processed payments (per partner)

  - Can check payments that need to be processed (per partner)

- Can check balance for every worker or partner.

  - I could check payments info , ammount paid and ammount that they scammed. example


Statistic TAB

  -Be able to see my turnover (total scammed from all) . 

  -Be able to check my income (from my % only of all)

  -Be able to check number of scammers

  -Be able to check statistics for each partner , total partner earned , how much his workers earned

Bots TAB

Be able to add new bots , uploading mafile and writing shared key , user,pass etc

Be able to see total holded and not holded on all bots

Be able to assign bots to scammer example

Be able to stop/start bots

Be able to see what is holded and not holded on bots . It would say bot 76635xxxx Holded 120$ not holded 400$ for example.

Have some button to just click to copy bot steam id 64.

Settings TAB

Be able to send announcements to all workers

Be able to send announcements to all partners

Rates TAB

Be able to set rates for each Partner . (Parners could set their rates for their workers).

CSGO,H1Z1,DOTA2,TF2 BTC Rate (All diferent rates).


Domains/Sites Tab

-Be able to setup new domain (choosing design)

 -Be able to check all domains made from partners

 -Be able to make passive domains and assign them to a worker. (Normal domains when someone logs in they need to be checked so that its assigned to a worker , but passive domains dont need to be assigned. The domain itself its already assigned to a worker so every log in this domain goes automaticly to a worker).

Scammers TAB

 - Can add and remove scammers creating user,pass trade url, btc wallet and %. (If from admin i set a partner to 70% , they cant give scammers more than 70%)

 - Can check statistic for scammers , how much scammed per day,week,month and all time and also his %.

 - Can change a scammer pw or user if needed .

Trades TAB

  - Can check history of trades from scams of his workers only . Also shows bot steam id 64 and trade url of the bot it went.

Members TAB

  - Can check all accounts logged from his scammers only (Not from scammers from other partners)

  - Can see from who scammer it is , steam id 64 and name of victim ,price per inventory.

  - Be able to transfer session from one worker to another. (Only his scammers)

Payments TAB

  - Can mark paid,decline or refund payments (from his scammers only)

  - Can check processed payments (from his scammers only)

  - Can check payments that need to be processed (from his scammers only)

- Can check balance for his workers.

  - Could check payments info , ammount paid and ammount that they scammed. example

Statistic TAB

  -Be able to see his turnover (total scammed from all his scammers) . 

  -Be able to check his income (from his % only of all (Total - admin %)

  -Be able to check number of scammers

  -Be able to check statistics for each scammer, total scammer earned

Bots TAB

Be able to see total holded and not holded on all HIS bots

Be able to assign bots to scammer example (but only for his scammers)

Be able to stop/start bots

Be able to see what is holded and not holded on bots . It would say bot 76635xxxx Holded 120$ not holded 400$ for example.

Have some button to just click to copy bot steam id 64.

Settings TAB

Be able to send announcements to all workers

Rates TAB

Be able to set rates for their workers.

CSGO,H1Z1,DOTA2,TF2 BTC Rate (All diferent rates).


Example for worker panel (prints from my old panel)

Report Page