


Nama Lengkap : Sean Geraldio

Main AVA : Soobin

Side AVA : Yeonjun, Hirofumi Yoshida 

Minor/Legal/Major : Major (20)


Relationship Type & ROLE : BxG, BxB, Family, Bestie as Dominant


Zodiac : Aries

Love Language : Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time

List Availability : 

— Basic Setup Request (Display Names, Ava, Bio)

— Spotify Session

— Bilingual Conversation

— PDA (V/VIP Only)

— Stay Up Late

— Pap Activities

— Move platform (iMessage)

— Playing Instrument (guitar acoustic, you can request and I may or may not accept depending on the difficulty of the chord)

— Study, Game (telegram, plato and web), Book, Bake, Movie and Cinema, Food and Cafe date

Intro : 

The name is Sean Geraldio, friends and relatives call me Sean for short. I don’t have any fave petnames, but since I’m a big fan of giving people my own nicknames, we can have a special petnames just for the two of us. 

I possess a different personality about how I treat my lover so you have the right place in our universe. Being the eldest in my own family, I have a real side of me that can actually keep a deep conversation going. A meaningful conversation at 2 am and sharing our thoughts to each other. Let's try to communicate everything, as a relationship takes two to tango. Next, the humorous and some days my sense of humor drops so low that I can’t stop laughing at a simple meme either I’m broken inside or my mind refuses to work.

If you’re looking for someone who can do both between love hate and lovey-dovey relationship, I’m in. Not being hyperbole, Sean ini udah paket lengkap sebenernya. I like to mocking you in the morning but when the night comes, I like to do things with something sweet to treat you as my lover. I’ll spoil you with any written words in a positive manner and bring you a small present for no real reason while thinking about you due to my love language.

I have an abstract taste for music. Starting from Fiji Blue, Slchld, Air Supply, Sweet The Kid, Vacation Manor, Fly By Midnight, and Yoasobi. Don’t lose sight of also with thrillers and any anime titles. Talk about my personality, for the outline it seems so obvious now. Perhaps I think all you know now is sufficient to get here. I hope there's an opportunity for us to meet.

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