


✦ Full Name : Chériessa Ernest

✦ Muse/Ava : Lee Chaeryeong

✦ Side Muse/Ava : Giselle, Rosé


✦ Zodiac : Aquarius

✦ Love Language : Act of Service, Physical Touch, Word Of Affirmation

✦ Type Relationship : BxG/GxB/G/G/Family/Friend

✦ Available : Basic Request (ava, bio, muse, name, typing, etc), Pap Activity, Voice Note, OTP un/mute, Game Date(@gamee), Movie Date, Study Date, Food Date bills on you, Art Date, Reading Date, Sposess, Deep/Dirty Talk, Imagine N/SFW, Literatur N/SFW, Move pf (Whatsapp, Twitter, Line), PDA, Semi/IC(Personality Idol, Anime, Manhwa, Crush, Ex etc), Stay up late.

An invigorating day which I had consign for each single pneumas here! Must have been such a hilarity to encounter aliferous pinions like each personages here. You can simply address me with Chériessa Ernest; your lukewarm affection and love!

To commence each thing, I am the type of person who informs my partner every time to tell what I am encountering with, alias gua suka banget share TMI ke pacar gua, selain share TMI gua juga suka ngasih sudden pictures which I can't actually apprehend what it symbolizes in real life alias gua suka banget ngasih random pap. I love when my lover call me babe, sayang, darl tapi boleh banget kalau lo ada nama panggilan buat gua. I can't stand being away from my partner for a long time, or I shall say kalau gua orangnya kangenan. To cheer up your day, I have a clingy side of mine that loves receiving hug, kiss and pats.

I am envious, especially when I see you with someone else in a romantic term cz i'm a jealousy and possessive person. I could listen to all your stories cz i'm a good listener, gua juga bisa jadi support system buat lo, I could listen to your story and give you advice. I'll never hesitate to lend my shoulders or to give you a hug because no matter what the results are, you have done your best and you deserve what you crave to acquire.

I like to do love-hate relationship but i also can do lovey-dovey relationship. gua type orang yang jahil dan suka bercanda tapi gua tau kapan waktunya serius, like to be nosy and sometimes the child surrenders. Sometimes I like to send tiktok links, meme or funny things, gua juga bisa banget diajak buat gibahin atau julidin tetangga yang suka parkir depan rumah sembarangan. I love to spend quality time with those who i love deeply and i want to make you comfortable when you're with me. I also like to give little gifts and appreciation to my lover. ah, gua juga make BIL for daily chat tapi lebih banyak make bahasa sih.

I lionize particularly such as Ariana Grande, CAS, The 1975 and Taylor Swift; I also read manga, manhwa at webtoon or web intern. I also read and writing alternate universes. Perhaps if you have the same likings or some recommendations for me, I'd love to exchange them with you. I like to survive new things so i'd also love if you giving any recommendation for me. And cz i'm of legal drinking age, you're free to discuss NSFW thingy with me, btw gua pake local porn buat imagine.

Therefore, I could also be quite tardy when I have personal schedules jadi ga bisa selalu online but, of course, I'll give you my preeminence!

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