

The problem

The problem that I want to address is the lack of digital skills that young people from villages of Moldova have.

Moldova is a country with a great internet coverage and speed. There are more than 600'000 young people on social media in Moldova (on facebook,, But most teenagers and young people use the social media mostly to passively consume content and are not aware of the possibilities that it offers.

That is why in January 2017 I have joined the NGO called "Academia Rockit" with the goal of creating free digital education in romanian language for kids of Moldova. I have started making videos making content about digital skills (how to make a presentation, how to create a community, how to make a vlog, how to learn english with different online tools) online marketing (how to use different social media platforms) and another series on how to make a vlog. So far, on our YouTube channel ( we have 21000 views and 770 subscribers.

The solution

My solution has two components: online and offline. The online solution is to c0ntinue making videos on the channel and to grow the online community. The second component is 'offline', where I would need your help.

I would want to organize events in different distant locations in Moldova. I will go and share these ideas with teenagers and young people. We had such an experience one month ago. I went to Vasieni, a village located one hour away from Chisinau, the capital of Moldova. I went there to talk about how to make videos to teenagers that have mobile phones but don't use them yet as a tool for film-making. We shoot a video together, as a practice. Here is the link:

I believe there is a great need for digital education in Moldova, and our teens will benefit a lot from these skills in their carers.

I would need your mentorship and financial help with organizing the educational events in distant locations of Moldova.

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