
Onova's approach to privacy

Onova ("we", "our, or "us") is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy sets out how Onova collects, uses and shares information that identifies you or is associated with you. Our main goal in collecting such data is to provide you with a safe, efficient and personalised experience, and we will only collect information relating to you that we deem necessary for this purpose.

Onova is run by Onova Limited and it controls how your personal information is used. Onova Limited is established in Ukraine with its registered office at Heroiv UPA, Lviv.

By setting up an account with us or using and accessing the Onova app or website (the "Service"), you consent to the use of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy.

You should also be aware that we use cookies to store and access information whilst providing the Service.

Personal information we collect about you and how we use it

We collect information from you when you voluntarily submit information to us or the Service. This can include information you provide when you register to use the Service, complete a form, list an item, subscribe to our mailing lists or other marketing communications or take an action on the Service (such as when you comment on or like an item, perform a search, communicate with other users of the Service, or engage in a transaction).

We also collect information about the pages you look at on our Service and/or the device you use to access the Service.

The list below sets out categories of personal information we collect about you and how we use that information.

Contact details: We collect contact information such as your name, your email address, your telephone number and addresses associated with your account. We will use your contact details so that we can communicate with you directly about the products you purchase and that you sell through the Service and the services we provide and about queries, issues or concerns you or other users have. You will also share your contact details with any buyer or seller you deal with through the Service. We will also use the telephone number you provide to verify your details and help prevent fraudulent access to the Service or use of your account.

Comments and opinions: When you contact us directly, e.g. by email, phone, post or by completing an online form we will record your comments and opinions. We will also record comments and opinions you express when responding to surveys, entering competitions, taking part in promotions we run or that you post on our community boards or other message areas. We will use your comments and opinions to address your queries, issues and concerns and improve our products and services. We will also use comments and opinions you express when posting on our community boards or other message areas, responding to surveys, entering competitions or taking part in other promotions, to determine products and services that may be of interest to you and to send you marketing communications in accordance with your marketing preferences.

Payment and transaction information: We keep records of the products you buy, sell or exchange though the Service and the payment method you use for the transaction. We will use payment and transaction information to assist in the payment process for any product you purchase through the Service. We will use your payment and transaction information and history to determine products and services that may be of interest to you and send you marketing in accordance with your marketing preferences. We will provide your contact details to the seller of any item you purchase including your username and the name, delivery address, email address and phone number you provide at the checkout. We also collect information that you provide to verify your account and your identity such as copies of identification documents.

Information provided by social networks you connect or link to our Service: If you connect an account on a social network, such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to your account on our Service we will collect personal information from the social network in accordance with your privacy settings on that social network. The connected social network may provide us with information such as your name, Facebook id, Twitter handle, profile picture, gender, username, user ID, age or age range, language, country, friends list, follower list and any other information you have agreed it can share. We will use the personal information provided to help create a public profile for you on our Service and, where we provide the functionality, we will also use the information provided to assist you in sharing your experiences on our Service with your friends, followers or contacts on the connected social network. We may also use the connection between the social network and our Service to provide you with updates on the social network that are relevant to any account you have with us or promotion you are taking part in. Such updates will only be provided with your consent, we will not post to your social network or to your friends, followers or contacts without your consent.

Website and app login details: Where you create an account with us we will hold your user name and password details so that we can keep your account secure. Where you are provided with the option to log-in using a social network, for example through Facebook sign-in, we will not be provided with your password or other account login details for those accounts.

You are responsible for all actions taken with your user name and password, and we recommend that you do not disclose your user name and password to any third parties. If you lose control of your password, you may lose substantial control over your personally identifiable information and may be subject to legally binding actions taken on your behalf, so you should change such password immediately and notify us of any unauthorised access to your account.

Your preferences: We hold information about the preferences you set for notifications, marketing communications and how our site is displayed or what content is displayed to you through our Service. We will use your preference settings for the purpose of providing notifications, sending marketing communications and displaying our Service in accordance with your choices.

Information about how you use and connect to our Service: We collect information about how you use our Service such as the pages you view on our Service, the time you access our Service and how long you use it for, the website from where you came to our Service or go to after leaving our Service (if applicable) and any selections and choices you make when using our Service. Onova uses Mixpanel to process such data on its behalf and provide analytics and marketing data.

We also collect information about any items you have listed, purchased, bookmarked or shared on the Service.

Device Information:We also collect information about the computer, tablet, smartphone or other electronic device you use to connect to our Service. This information can include details about the type of device, unique device identifying numbers, operating systems, browsers and applications connected to our Service through the device, your Internet service provider or mobile network, your IP address and your device's telephone number (if it has one).

Typically, the information we collect about how you use or connect to our Service is associated with your device and not you as a named individual. However, if you are logged into a registered account you have with us this information may also be associated with you directly.

We use information about how you use and connect to our Service to present our Service to you on your device and to determine products that may be of interest to you for marketing purposes.

Information about your location: Where you give us consent, we use information about your location, sometimes together with other personal information, to provide features of the Service that are relevant to you and your location. For example this can include allowing you to search for items that are for sale in your local area. You can set your preferences relating to our use of location data in your phone settings.

Information provided by other users: Sometimes, other users of our Service provide information that is associated with you. Other users can provide information that is associated with you such as comments, feedback and likes relating to your items and messages they send to you. We will review and use personal information about you that is contained in private messages sent by you to other users, or other users to you, to assist the fulfilment of orders made through the Service and to respond to any query, issue, concern or dispute users raise and to resolve such disputes. Where users of our Service want to invite you to use our Service or to share information with you about our services we will use personal information that they provide about you to assist them in doing this; we will only do this where they indicate that you have provided your consent for them to communicate with you in this way.

Information about fraudulent or criminal activity relating to your account: We will use information about fraudulent or criminal activity relating to your use of our Service for the purposes of detecting and preventing fraud or crime.

All personal information: We will use all the personal information we collect to monitor and improve our Service and our procedures and processes. We also use the personal information we collect to help us develop new products and services. Our use of your personal information in this way will not result in information that was not previously publicly available being made public on our Service. We also use personal information we maintain about you to resolve disputes between users, to provide user support, to troubleshoot problems and enforce our Terms of Service and policies, including this Privacy Policy.

We shall not request from you any personal information, which is deemed sensitive data, including without limitation, information regarding religious or other beliefs, physical and mental health details, sexual life, racial or ethnic origin, trade union membership and/or offences, and we ask users of the Service not to supply us or any other user with any sensitive personal data, given the nature of the Service and that user profiles and comments are visible by other users. Where you do provide sensitive personal information to us on the Service you hereby confirm that you are deliberately making this information public of your own volition and accept that we may request that you remove such data from the Service.

Your marketing preferences

Email - From time to time we may contact you by email with information about our products and services.

If you do not want us to contact you by email, you can change your email marketing preferences by emailing us at and letting us know that you do not want to receive marketing emails from us. You can also unsubscribe from our marketing emails by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the emails we send to you.

Push notifications - where you allow us to, we will send you notifications relating to the Service.

You can change your push notification preferences at any time in your account settings.

Where you have given us permission to do so, we may share your information with selected third parties so that they can provide you with information about their products and services using email.

If, after you have given us permission to share your email address with selected third parties, you change your mind, you can change your email marketing preferences by emailing us at and letting us know that you do not want us to share your email address with third parties for marketing purposes.

Advertising on the Service and third party websites

We or our advertising partners may show advertisements to you on the Service or on other websites.

To do this we or our advertising partners may collect information about how you use the Service or the types of other web pages, content and ads you, or others who are using the device you connect to this Service, interact with, visit or view. The information collected might also include the IP address of the device you connect to the Service.

We or our advertising partner use the information that is collected to make sure adverts you see either on the Service or other websites or apps (where our partner has advertising space) are more relevant to you.

The techniques our advertising partners use do not use obvious identifying information such as name, address, email address or telephone number. This information is used to recognise the device you are using but not to identify you as a named individual.

Typically cookies and similar technologies are used to provide this type of advertising.

Information available to other users through the Service

The Service is designed to help you interact with other users of the Service. As a result of this some of the information generated through the Service is shared with other users of the Service as described below.

  1. User profile
  2. When you create an account on the Service a user profile will be generated for you that makes the following information publicly available: user name, country and city location, your followers and who you are following, details about the items you are selling. If you add any of the following information to your profile this will also be made publicly available: profile picture, profile description and website address. We will not directly reveal user email addresses to other users, however we may pass your email address to a seller where you have purchased an item.
  3. Item listings
  4. When you list an item for sale on the Service information you add to the listing will be made publicly available such as the item photograph, price, item description, accepted payment method and delivery options. Any comments or likes other users add to your item listing will also be made publicly available as well as any reply comments or images you post.
  5. Information about your activity on the Service
  6. Some of your activities on the Services are public by default. These activities are when you follow a user, or a user follows you, when you comment on or like an item, when you list an item for sale, when your item is sold, or when you purchase an item.
  7. Social networks you connect to the Service - where you have chosen to do so we will post updates about your use of the Service to social networks you connect to the Service on your behalf.
  8. Information we share with third parties
  9. We may share your personal information with the following parties:
  10. Companies in the same group of companies as us - our subsidiaries (i.e. any organisation we own or control) or our ultimate holding company (i.e. any organisation that owns or controls us) and any subsidiaries it owns. These companies will only use your personal information in the same way as we can under this Privacy Policy.
  11. Service providers - third parties who provide a service to us. These third parties will only be allowed to use your personal information in accordance with our instructions and will be required to keep your information secure. In particular, we may share the personal information you provide to us with Shippo (where you have chosen to use this shipping service in relation to any items you sell), Twilio (in order to verify your access to the Service and prevent fraudulent activity on your account), and Payment Provider (for the purposes of processing any sales transactions you have consented to). In some cases our service providers may collect information directly from you (e.g. if they are asked to conduct a survey for us), and in these cases you will be notified of the involvement of the service provider, and all information disclosures you make will be strictly optional. If you provide additional information to a service provider directly, then their use of your information is governed by their applicable privacy policy.
  12. Law enforcement, regulators and other parties for legal reasons - third parties who we are under a legal obligation to disclose your personal information to or who we need to disclose your personal information to protect our rights, property or safety or the rights, property or safety of others, detect and investigate illegal activities and breaches of any agreement we have with you.
  13. Buyers of our business - buyers of Onova Limited or any of its assets may have your personal information disclosed or transferred to them as part of the sale.
  14. We will not sell or rent your personal information to a third party for marketing purposes without your consent. For further information on your marketing options see the "Your marketing preferences" section above.

Information that cannot identify you

We do not disclose information about identifiable individuals to anyone else except as set out in this Privacy Policy. We may provide third parties with aggregate statistical information and analytics about users of the Service but we will make sure that no one can be identified from this information before we disclose it.

Storing and transferring your personal information

  • Timeframe - your Personal Information will be kept by us for as long as your account remains active. If you deactivate your account your personal information will be kept for a reasonable period of time after this so that we can complete any activities it is being used for or where we have a need to retain your personal information for legal or technical reasons (including back-up systems). Following this period we will either delete the information or change it to a form that does not identify you.
  • Cookies and local storage - we may store information (which may include personal information) locally on your device using cookies and other browser and application storage methods.
  • Transfers outside of Ukraine - the personal information we collect may be transferred to and stored in countries outside of the EEA. It may also be processed by staff (who work for us or for one of our suppliers) and other users of the Service operating outside the EEA, in order to fulfil a purchase, process payment details and provide support and verification services. Some of these jurisdictions offer differing levels of protection in respect of personal information and may, in certain instances, be less protective than Ukraine. However the transfer of your data to other countries in line with this Privacy Policy, shall only be to countries in respect of which an adequacy decision has been issued by the European Commission, or where the entity is bound an appropriate confidentiality and data transfer agreement as deemed adequate by law (details of which we are happy to share with you on request as per the "Contacting Us" section below). We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. By submitting your personal information, you agree to this transfer, storing or processing.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted through our Service; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.

Accessing, Correcting, Retention and Deleting your Personal Information

You are entitled to see the information held about you and we shall comply with our obligations under applicable data protection legislation in relation to any request by you. You may ask us to make any necessary changes to ensure that the data we hold about you is accurate and kept up to date and you may also ask us to erase personal data relating to you, or ask us to process such data in a different way. To exercise any of the above rights, or if you have any questions relating to your rights, please contact us by using the details set out in the "Contacting us" section below.

Most of the personal information we hold about you is either available directly from viewing your account and looking back over your own activities, or is available from the social networks that you have connected to our Service. If you think that there is other personal information which you think we hold, please contact us using the contact details set out in the "Contacting us" section below. Please provide as much information as you can about the personal information you are looking for and we will be happy to try and help you find it.

The Service may, from time to time, contain links to and from third party websites of our partner networks, advertisers, partner merchants, retailers and affiliates. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for their policies. Please check the individual policies before you submit any information to those websites.

Our policy towards children

Our Service is only available to persons aged 14 and over.

The Service is not directed to persons under 14 and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 14. If you become aware that your child has provided us with personal information without your consent, then please contact us using the details below so that we can take steps to remove such information and terminate the child's account

Changes to this policy

We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time in order that it accurately reflects the regulatory environment and our own data collection and disclosure practices. Accordingly you should review this policy periodically. When we change this Privacy Policy in a material way, we will update the "last modified" date at the top of this Privacy Policy. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

Notice to you

If we need to provide you with information about something, whether for legal, marketing or other business related purposes, we will select what we believe is the best way to get in contact with you. We will usually do this through email, or by placing a notice on the Service. The fact that we may send notices to you will not stop you from being able to opt out of certain types of contact as described in this Privacy Policy.

Contacting us

Questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Policy are welcome and should be addressed to


In the event that you have a complaint about our treatment of your personal data, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory body.

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