Position overview: President

Position overview: President


The Chapter President is responsible for shaping the Competitive Programming culture on campus, leading the team in achieving the Chapter’s mission and also being in constant touch with the Community Manager to update about any struggles or keep them posted about activities. The ideal candidate is committed, able to inspire and connect team members towards the vision, and has a passion for programming.


Primary responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Setting a broader vision for the campus and creating annual goals aligned to it. Working with the core and executive team to achieve them relentlessly.
  • Recruiting members for Executive Team and appointing next Leadership Team for the succession of Chapter.
  • Presiding regular meetings and overseeing the work of Leadership and Executive Team and supporting them.
  • Monitoring the growth of students on campus and ensuring a peer-learning environment.
  • Working with college management for curriculum improvements/ development.
  • Compiling event reports and submitting them to CodeChef.

Things to Evaluate:

The ideal President should be:

  • A goal-oriented person with demonstrated experience of taking Leadership.
  • A competitive programmer having at least 3 stars on CodeChef.
  • Has an idea of diversity, inclusion and should work with empathy.
  • A Team Leader with an empowering and growth mindset, who is punctual and hardworking .
  • Knows how to monitor and encourages collaborative learning.
  • Possesses an overview of how technical communities work. More preferred if active previously in the CodeChef Community or any other technical societies/clubs/communities.

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