# Present Simple

# Present Simple

Mr. English_Tutor

1. Present Simple. [ Ho'zirgi oddiy zamon ]

Asosan 4 ta vaziyatda qo'llanamiz. Ular:

1. Odatiy: She drinks coffee when she gets up.  ( U uyqudan turganida kofe ichadi).

2. Fakt:   Monkeys love bananas. (Maymunlar bananni yoqtirishadi).

3. Muntazamlik: The children go to school by bus. (Bolalar maktabga avtobusda ketishadi).

4. Umumiy haqiqat:  Water freezes when the temperature drops below 0 degrees. (Suv xavo 0 gradusdan pasayganida muzlaydi). 


[ Subject + Verb(s) ] positive sentence. 

Gapning egasi 3-shaxs bo'lsa, fe'l oxiriga "s" harifi qo'shiladi. Boshqa vaziyatlarda fe'l o'z holida qoladi. Misol uchun:

- Joe wears glasses.  (Joe kozoynak taqadi).

- Rice grows in China. (Guruch Xitoyda ekiladi).


[ Subject + do/does not + Verb ] negative…

- Ann doesn't drink sparkling water.

- Anna gazli suv ichmaydi.


[ Do/Does + Subject + Verb ] question...

- Does Mark drive a taxi? 

- Mark taksi haydaydimi? 

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