Ana Penkrat

Here are 10 steps to follow to create a successful public relations plan:

1. Determine your public relations goals. These goals can be as few or as many as you need. Just be sure to be consistent with your business’ overall goals and mission.

2. Know your target audience. Determine which groups you need to communicate with. Who needs to be involved with your business?

4. Strategies for every objective. Strategies here include methods of communication, messages conveyed and other activities related to reaching your goal.

5. Tactics for every strategy. Consider how you will use your resources to carry out your strategies and work toward objectives. You will likely have several tactics per strategy.

6. Plan activities. As part of your plan, include specific activities under your tactics that are required to carry out strategies. Activities in this part of the plan include communication methods that you will use.

7. Inform yourself through evaluation. Ask yourself if you are reaching your objectives through careful measurement and observation. Consider public opinions and feedback, since these will give you a different perspective on the effectiveness of your strategies.

8. Materials matter. Determine and obtain what you need to implement tactics outlined in your plan.

9. Create a budget. Be sure that your public relations plan doesn’t break the bank by creating a budget. Be sure to include out-of-pocket costs, staff time, transportation, images, materials, etc.

10. Stay on task with a timetable and task list. Creating a timetable and task list will help you to keep track of who does what and when. You can choose to plan backwards from your project’s deadline or forward from the start date.

With these steps in mind, you can create a public relations plan to help you best meet your goals. As your business grows, you can adapt your plan to satisfy your needs. If you need assistance creating a public relations plan or implementing the tactics in your current plan, we can help!

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