

⭐️ **Breaking news! Meet the TEAM token and convert ACE to TEAM with 40% bonus as promised!** ⭐️

Over the course of August, September and October, we’ve personally met or had phone calls with several Olympic champions, world champions, coaches and agents. We’re incredibly grateful for all the advice we’ve received. On multiple occasions we’ve heard the question "__Why do you separate different kinds of sport into different verticals and use different tokens?__"

Basically, both approaches are viable and have their pros and cons. We’ve considered all arguments and decided to go with the 1 TEAM token instead of different tokens for football, poker, eSports, etc.

As promised, **ACE tokens might be converted in your Dashboard into other TokenStars tokens with 40% one-time bonus**. Conversion only works in 1 direction (ACE into TEAM only, not vice versa), and you can only convert all ACE tokens you have at once, **since October 27th till November 27th**. Conversion is only available BEFORE you transfer ACE tokens to your personal wallet.

We will share more details very soon. Stay tuned!

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