

56 available modules.

➣ AddUser: /add
➣ AFK: /afk | /unafk
➣ AutoAnswer: /aws [ID/Username] [Post ID]
➣ Restarter: /update | /restart
➣ AutoOnline: /online | /offline
➣ AutoReadChat: /autoread
➣ Chance: /chance [Text]
➣ ChatGPT: /gpt
➣ delete: /gee
➣ Demotivator: /dem [reply to photo]
➣ DumpChatMembers: /dump
➣ Eval: /eval
➣ Example: /example_edit
➣ Fake: /fake
➣ FindIDThisChat: /id
➣ FindMusic: /lyrics [Title on music]
➣ GeneratePassword: /gen_password [password length]
➣ Hearts: /love
➣ Help: /help
➣ IgnoreUser: /ignore [ID/Reply]
➣ KickAllSubs: /kickall | /kickall_withbot | /kickdeleted
➣ Ladder: /ladder [text]
➣ LinkInText: /link [link] [text]
➣ Loadmod: /loadmod [link to the module]
➣ mozgoeb: /ebem
➣ Photoeditor: /psh
➣ Ping: /ping
➣ Progressbar: /progressbar [Text]
➣ Purge: /del [reply] | /purge [reply] / [Group id] [Start ID] [Stop ID]
➣ QRcode: /qr [text]
➣ Quotes: /q [reply]
➣ RandomImage: /img
➣ ShuffleMessage: /rsm
➣ Reputation: reply "+" or "-" from another user | /rep [number]
➣ SendToId: /send [ID | Username]
➣ SetAvatar: /avt
➣ Sh: /sh
➣ ShortURL: /short [Reply | link]
➣ Spam: Many commands. View them: /help_spam
➣ MediaSpam: /spe
➣ TextToVoice: /voice [Text] | /voice_ru [Text]
➣ SetPrefix: /sp
➣ Support: /support
➣ Switch: /sw [Reply | text] (RU/EN language)
➣ Tagall: /tagall [delay] [text] | /tagallone [delay] [text]
➣ TimeNow: /time
➣ Type: /type [text]
➣ Unloadmod: /unloadmod [module name]
➣ Unsplash: /uns
➣ Uploadmod: /uploadmod [module name]
➣ Userinfo: /user_info | /user_info_full
➣ SendVoice: /vlc
➣ Weather: /weather [city]
➣ Webshot: /webshot [link]
➣ West: /west
➣ Wikipedia: /wiki [RU/EN] [WORD]

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