please tell me whence ZE, Volume 4 by Yuki Shimizu free view doc german selling

please tell me whence ZE, Volume 4 by Yuki Shimizu free view doc german selling

please tell me whence ZE, Volume 4 by Yuki Shimizu free view doc german selling

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Book description
Tears, kisses, an old paper doll—these are all the Himi left. Calling out Himi’s name so much it seemed his throat would tear open, Genma was able to bring Himi back to life. But the difference between the obstinately blushing Himi that Genma remembers, and the one before his eyes who obediently acquiesces, is irritating. Can a love that was lost come back…? Also, in the climax of Genma’s chapter, a pair of twins—one princely, one rugged— who work as erotic voice actors, become enamored of a gorgeous, tiny kami sama.
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