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Book description
Write Here Write Now, a guided activity journal for older kids and trendy teens, encourages young writers to ponder, wonder and, above all, to create. 144 pages packed with witty prompts to inspire creative genius. Naomi Davis Lee and Nicole LaRue (Chronicle Books, 2015). In what promises to be a debut success, Lee and LaRue entice their readers to become writers, artists, collectors, makers, doers, and explorers. With this book, young readers become wordsmiths, creating short stories, poems, and rhymes. They doodle, color, and draw. They decorate postcards, explore their handwriting, and collect found objects for show and tell. They ask deep questions, wonder about their younger selves, and write letters to their future selves. They play games, help friends, explore their superhero powers, and become outright daydreamers. Say Lee and LaRue, “We challenge our young readers to explore avenues of artistry, inquiry, and imagination.” Lee and LaRue urge their young writers, “Make Write Here Write Now the best book you’ve ever written!’”
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