please tell me whence Wolfe and His Bunny by Susan Laine (Goodreads Author) full reader read tom author

please tell me whence Wolfe and His Bunny by Susan Laine (Goodreads Author) full reader read tom author

please tell me whence Wolfe and His Bunny by Susan Laine (Goodreads Author) full reader read tom author

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Book description

Book description
Wolfe has a century under his belt as an Alpha werewolf for a small outcast pack. He loves taking care of those who have been rejected by their birth packs or lost them in accidents or wars. But Wolfe is lonely, as he hasn’t yet found his mate to share his burdens of leadership or his passions in bed.One night he catches an alluring scent and gives chase to a cute but surprisingly reluctant guy named Peter. Though smart, funny and headstrong, Peter is a rabbit shifter. And wolves and bunnies don’t mix, do they? Their first encounter certainly suggests so. They seem to have nothing in common. Wolfe is a bounty hunter living on a knife-edge of danger while Peter shelters discarded and wounded animals, believing in peace and mercy.For these two vastly different men learning to trust one another for a working relationship is a lesson in love.[Siren Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Paranormal Romance, M/M, shape-shifters, sex in partially shifted form, HEA]
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