please tell me whence Witch House by Evangeline Walton txt ibooks

please tell me whence Witch House by Evangeline Walton txt ibooks

please tell me whence Witch House by Evangeline Walton txt ibooks

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You have to love Inter-Library loan - this book, originally the first volume in famed weird publisher Arkham Houses series of novel releases, came up on my reading list and so I put an order in, at the same time also asking for a copy of a 70s paperback that included a reprinting of Evangeline Waltons The Chinese Woman which was related to (may have been intended as a prologue at one point) the novel.They couldnt get me the 70s paperback - or, at least, not without it costing me some money (so I havent read that story) - but what do they send me for the original novel? Not the 70s paperback reprint as part of Lin Carters fantasy novel reprint series, not the 80s trade paperback - but the honest to gosh, actual-factual Arkham House edition from 1945! (Its a beautiful little book - compact, with a really tough little binding cloth - from the collection of the University of Idaho).So, what you have here is a bit of a mixed bag. Having read nothing by Ms. Walton before, and knowing nothing about the book, I expected a supernatural thriller about a haunted house. And on the surface, thats what this is, as Dr. Gaylord Carew (sometimes nicknamed Gay) is asked to help a young girl living with her mother and cousins in a grand, ancestral home built on an island near Harperstown, Massachusetts. The girl is the focus of some poltergeist activity (objects broken and thrown, missing things, bite marks) and claims a big black hare is stalking her... and the family has a dubious history of witchcraft.But the actual novel itself is more along the lines of an uneasy hybrid between two types of fictions from 1945, one less expected than the other. Basically, the set-up and structure are more in the mold of a 20th Century, woman running from a gloomy mansion while a light burns in a lone window Gothic Romance - a powerful family with dark secrets, children dabbling in occult practices, unhappy and unarranged marriages, embarrassing relations, etc. all set in a New England coastal village. Yes, theres supernaturalism afoot and foregrounded, but the setting is pure Gothic Romance. Except...Except this is also, a bit surprisingly, an occult detective story. Our main character, Dr. Gaylord Carew, was raised by his mother in India and Tibet after the tragic death of his father. He knows, in classic pulp occult detective hero form, the mysteries of Asia and has telepathy, psychic sensitivity, meditation and even some minor telekinesis at his disposal, along with his occult wisdom, a formidable will, strong moral underpinnings and training in psychiatry/psychology. Hes cool and reserved, less a man of action than a man of the talking cure who observes and analyzes the situation, realizing the subtlety of occult forces and how they work on, and take advantage of, the psyche and weak wills.So into this hotbed of intrigue he walks, determined to save a little girl.Unfortunately, this hybrid form works against itself. The writing is uniformly dry, as typifies a lot of occult detective philosophizin of the period, but that undermines the natural pulp juiciness and florid heat of the Gothic Romance, of which there is little evident (and, in total admissions of my taste, is the only thing that makes most mid-20th century Gothic Romance palatable at all, as the stories are almost all endless hand-wringing, overwrought wailing and lurv complications - without the juice, such stuff is deadly dull to me - even if the ghosts are real, as they rarely were in Gothic Romances). The writing also starts as very stiff (again, understandable from the time period and form, but still not engaging), although it does loosen up and stretch a bit as the book progresses.Being a New England Gothic, you also get those stalwart plot elements - ancestors escaped from Europe with rumors of sorcery around them, and a whaling ship ancestor who brings back a furrin bride (in this case, Chinese or possibly Mongol), tainting the family line to some degree (the book is interesting in that sense because unlike works of the preceding years, it never makes racial concerns a foreground issue in the family, but they are there to take their expected place in the plot). There are some nice, small, spooky moments (most of which Ive quoted, except for the climax events). The child relates her dreams of black hares and cats bounding along with her up into the sky and to the dark side of the moon where they dance in supplication to some hooded figure (the imagery of the large black hare is, Ill admit, a solid, New England witchcraft one - very resonant and fraught with power). Theres also a well-done moment in which a mentally enslaved cats-paw, used by her wanna-be sorcerer husband to psychically explore the soul of the house in her sleep, describes the experience of the house within the house. Also a well-done threat as (view spoiler)[a dark and threatening figure that only our psychic hero can see slowly advances, night after night, on the sleeping child, making imperceptible headway (hide spoiler)]
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