please tell me whence Wild Rock by Kazusa Takashima ipad download tom android view

please tell me whence Wild Rock by Kazusa Takashima ipad download tom android view

please tell me whence Wild Rock by Kazusa Takashima ipad download tom android view

> READ BOOK > Wild Rock

> ONLINE BOOK > Wild Rock


Book description

Book description
Meet Emba and Yuuen, two very different heirs to two very different warring clans. When they meet, its love at first sight...and a wild romantic odyssey is about to unfold. But the odds are stacked against this primitive Romeo and Romeo! With their resentful clans providing no support for their budding relationship, can these star-crossed lovers get behind each other to stop the long-standing family feud? BLU hits boys love fans with a hot, new manga Wild Rock, set in a fabulously fantastic prehistoric backdrop!
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