please tell me whence Wife of A Legend (Wife of a Legend Book 1) by Choe Je'Nore spanish information doc read prewiew

please tell me whence Wife of A Legend (Wife of a Legend Book 1) by Choe Je'Nore spanish information doc read prewiew

please tell me whence Wife of A Legend (Wife of a Legend Book 1) by Choe Je'Nore spanish information doc read prewiew

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Book description

Book description
Julianny “Baby” Legend is dangerous, young, paid, and also the new leader of the Black Guerilla Mafia a notorious street gang from the grimy streets of Newark. He has women falling at his feet daily, but he takes none of them seriously until he meets a young woman by the name Treasure, but there’s only one problem Treasure is a witness to a homicide he committed. He knows he should kill her and get it over with but there’s something about her that makes it hard for him to go through with it… Julianny’s mother Pam never thinks any woman is good enough for her son, especially not Treasure but when the two quickly fall in love all hell breaks loose ands lines are crossed… permanently.
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