please tell me whence Ultra Cute, Vol. 3 by Nami Akimoto book pdf how to prewiew android

please tell me whence Ultra Cute, Vol. 3 by Nami Akimoto book pdf how to prewiew android

please tell me whence Ultra Cute, Vol. 3 by Nami Akimoto book pdf how to prewiew android

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Book description
Tamons ruthless ex, Mika, is still after him and is now working more toward eliminating Ami. But Ami has more than just Mika to worry about when Mikas cousin, Kai, happens to meet her and instantly develops a crush on her. The thing is, he makes her really happy and makes her feel at peace, pretty, and like she can be herself. She forgets all her troubles when she is with Kai and she becomes so carefree. But her heart is taken by Tamon, and so she fights against these feelings. But Kai, who is after Ami, will have none of this and he continues to come on very strong, even kissing her in front of Tamon! Will Ami give in to the boy who actually treats her right, and give up on everything she said shed never give up on? And will this be the final push for Tamon to abandon Ami and fall back into Mikas embrace, right when he had begun to reach out to Ami? Or will this somehow bring them closer together?So, I remember bits and pieces here and there throughout much of the book, but I am pretty sure I stopped reading it shortly after the first chapter in it (many years ago). Oh well. It was still a familiar yet fresh experience for me. I quite enjoyed it. And it seriously began to feel like a Cinderella story with a twist! The mangaka did that on purpose, I know, but she did it really well. Also, Amis Who else would that woman be on the cover? I know the man is Miyamura/Chucky. Whatever. Sometimes colors dont turn out quite like planned, or the mangaka does something that defies all logic for the sake of cuteness. Anyway, its really a shame. Kai (Tamons ex/Amis rivals equally attractive cousin) is someone seemingly so perfect, and someone so much better for Ami than Tamon is. But then we come to find out that Kai is playing Amis feelings even more than Tamon has. However, it appears that both males might be developing feelings for her. But Tamons feelings have been developing longer, and he has more insecurities. He would be more likely to stick by her, while Kai would throw Ami through a whole new and disastrous Tamon kind of situation.Ami is giving Tamon a taste of his own medicine, but thats only going to further push him away, not just because of his insecurities, but also because thats just what happens when you do that to people depending on what it is. He needs somebody to not be overly kind to him, but not to get back at him either. He needs somebody to never give up on him, and just be their self around him. Thats the best way for Ami to win Tamon, and Miyamura knows this and is trying to help Ami achieve that. Miyamura is also giving Ami the tools and hints and a bit of a push she needs to gain more confidence and courage to seem more appealing and to do more of what her heart tells her to do. This manga actually has a lot of valid advice for seeming more attractive to the opposite sex, however, many of all the characters have some screw ups. But this is a story, not a guide. People should not follow it religiously, instead, they should enjoy the ride it gives us and learn from what makes sense or actually applies to our own situation.Funny enough, the last time I read this manga series, I was picturing a love interest or two in the place of Tamon, but now my brain is trying to fit my current boyfriend in that place. I guess it sort of works? Tamon is most like my most recent ex boyfriend though, except, Tamon is probably kinder and more optimistic... And more sensible! My current boyfriend cant really be applied to Tamon, my boyfriend is so much better, but its funny to watch this story unfold and to allow my brain to compare some situations a little bit. It seems that this situation will either drive Tamon away, or bring him closer to realizing his true feelings for Ami. But so far, its driving him away. However, he still hasnt been completely driven away, whereas most guys that arent in love with you would have been long gone by now. He keeps pushing Mika away too. These are good signs. His feelings for Ami are rising closer to the surface, he will need to face them eventually. On a side note, I just really loved the setting of most of this volume, pretty much all of it past the first chapter in this volume. But even that was awesome but kinda cringy too. The rest wasnt cringy.
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