please tell me whence TypeScript Deep Dive by Basarat Ali Syed mobi ibooks

please tell me whence TypeScript Deep Dive by Basarat Ali Syed mobi ibooks

please tell me whence TypeScript Deep Dive by Basarat Ali Syed mobi ibooks

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Book description
I started on this book to get more details about a new programming language Ive been learning, and it was somewhat helpful in that regard, but it just wasnt very interesting. There were many assumptions about what I might know coming in that were just not true (as Im very new to Javascript in general), and much of what was there was quite esoteric. Additionally, a large portion was devoted to specific tips or best practices, but very little was given in the way of justification for most of it.In the near future, a Manning book on TypeScript + Angular 2 development is being released, and I have already pre-ordered that one. Based on past experience with that publisher, I expect it to be much more helpful than this one was.
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