please tell me whence Troubles and Treats by Tara Sivec (Goodreads Author) portable book epub itunes amazon

please tell me whence Troubles and Treats by Tara Sivec (Goodreads Author) portable book epub itunes amazon

please tell me whence Troubles and Treats by Tara Sivec (Goodreads Author) portable book epub itunes amazon

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Book description
Librarians Note: this is an alternate cover edition - ISBN13 9781301954193 Drew and Jenny have spent years being the envy of their friends with their out of control sex lives - well, not really. Mostly it makes their friends want to throw up in their mouths a little.With two little kids and two busy lives, for the first time, Drew and Jenny arent on the same page in the bedroom. Drew will stop at nothing to get his previously amorous wife back in the sack, and Jenny will do anything for a full night of sleep.Carter and Claire, and Jim and Liz are their usual (un)helpful selves and are full of advice for the discontented duo, wanting nothing more than to help restore order to the usually happy couples lives.In the third and final installment of the Chocolate Lovers Series, will Drew and Jenny find the spark thats been missing in their marriage, or will the trouble theyre having cause a stickier situation than the time Jenny poured honey all over Drew and he fused himself to a tree?
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