please tell me whence Tin Angel by Kat Martin (Goodreads Author) book look buy macbook finder

please tell me whence Tin Angel by Kat Martin (Goodreads Author) book look buy macbook finder

please tell me whence Tin Angel by Kat Martin (Goodreads Author) book look buy macbook finder

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Book description
Henry Taggart had gone to San Francisco several years prior to 1872 and had built up Taggart Enterprises, which included the Tin Angel. Henry had been killed and left 51% of his businesses to his daughter, Jessica, and 49% to his manager, Jake Weston. Jessica lived in Boston and Jake thought she would remain there and let him run the business. But Jessica had other ideas. In their telegrams after Henrys death, Jessica and Jake antagonized each other and didnt like one another before they even met.Jake knew that Jessica was under the impression that the Tin Angel was a restaurant and didnt tell her otherwise. When she arrived and found it was a gambling and bawdy house, she almost died. Jessica thought that her 51% entitled her to run the businesses, including the Tin Angel and was angry when Jake didnt agree. So it started--two strong people trying to gain the advantage over the other, all the while fighting an attraction that grew stronger despite their efforts.
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