please tell me whence Timeline of the Civil War by Charlie Samuels txt online free

please tell me whence Timeline of the Civil War by Charlie Samuels txt online free

please tell me whence Timeline of the Civil War by Charlie Samuels txt online free

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Book description
Did you know that it was not until over a year into the Civil War that the abolition of slavery became a stated war aim of the North? Readers can discover this fact along with a comprehensive account of the war that forever shaped American history in this valuable resource. Through the use of both general and chapter-specific timelines, this book provides a clear outline from which readers can gain valuable knowledge about the war that saw Americans taking up arms against one another over the secession of eleven southern states from the Union. Readers explore the stories behind the most important moments in the Civil Warfrom the battlefields to the home front. Historical artwork and early photographs bring to light the war between brothers.
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