please tell me whence Thors Angels by Dan Carlin kindle online bookshop without signing full version

please tell me whence Thors Angels by Dan Carlin kindle online bookshop without signing full version

please tell me whence Thors Angels by Dan Carlin kindle online bookshop without signing full version

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Book description
The Dark Ages is one of the eras that I want to read more about, but had never really gotten around to. Carlin takes the listener from the 410 A.D. sack of Rome by Alaric and his Ostrogoths to the end of the rule of Charlemagne, where an empire came under threat yet again by invading barbarians from the North.A side issue he explores is the synthesis of the pagan Germanic warrior culture of Clovis & the Frankish Kings into Christianity, turning the faith from one of the Prince of Peace into that of a Warrior God, enabling the Crusades and all other future bloody shenanigans of Christianity/Catholicism in the Middle Ages.All along the way, he makes the narrative an anecdotal feast with lots of tidbits about bloodthirsty kings, devious popes, horrified Romans, and everyone else in between.Great fun. Highly recommended.
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