please tell me whence The Swallow Summer by K.M. Peyton pc amazon read direct link no registration

please tell me whence The Swallow Summer by K.M. Peyton pc amazon read direct link no registration

please tell me whence The Swallow Summer by K.M. Peyton pc amazon read direct link no registration

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Book description
This is a good fun, not too long story of a pony summer. Rowan moved from a city to the countryside near London and her father commutes to work, and she gets on with learning to ride while her mum keeps her dads home nice and his shirts ironed. Rowan has fallen madly for a strong, handsome pony called Swallow which isnt reckoned to be a safe ride, so she is determined to improve and learn. This summer features a struggle by the family nearby who have taken charge of their riding school after their fathers death, and a Pony Club camp. We meet other people in the area such as a racehorse trainer, the standard pushy parents and some wiser experienced horsewomen. Theres an injury more serious than those normally found in pony books. I would really have preferred mentions that the young people were wearing hard hats, as they dont seem to. This is written in 1995.One issue I respect the author for tackling however, is that Rowans father decides to leave the family and stay in London with someone else. How can the young girl cope and what can her lost, weeping mother do? Facing an uncertain future, they have to work together and become more fully involved with the local community. And after all that, the High Horse riding school may have to close and the ponies be sold. This is a good read and you dont need to have read the previous book.
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