please tell me whence The Sea Egg by L.M. Boston without signing djvu italian portable online

please tell me whence The Sea Egg by L.M. Boston without signing djvu italian portable online

please tell me whence The Sea Egg by L.M. Boston without signing djvu italian portable online

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Book description
The Sea Egg by L. M. Boston (1967) is a low fantasy novella about two young boys (brothers) vacationing on the Cornish coast who discover to their delight and wonder a sea egg from which hatches a triton (or a merman). Their adventures are simple, and though extraordinary they ring true to life, as do the characters of the boys. If you are acquainted with Boston’s more celebrated Children of Green Knowe series you will know that she is prodigiously gifted with a poetical prose style which is evocative and transporting, for example:“It was not an ogre’s soul in that egg,” said Toby in a burst of passionate despair. “It was mine.”Or“At that moment Joe gave a yell and jerked up his knee. Round the ankle was a hand that would not let go, and out from under the seaweed came the irresistible, ever-changing face, this time mock solemn. He rolled his eyes up to indicate the top of the cliffs, put a finger on his lips, and with a light kiss on Toby’s calf such as a pup might give, or the sea itself, he withdrew. The boys felt among the seaweed curtain with their feet for the last touch of him, but he had vanished.”Or“Then all was quiet, except for that murmurous half telling, half withholding of tremendous secrets that the sea would keep up all night. Each little wave seemed to say, “I’ll tell you-” and then pull back with a smothered “Oh!” to be followed by another wave saying, “Then I will say-” but whatever it was remained unsaid and unsayable.”Cornwall is a favourite literary locale and fantasy destination of mine - and I enjoyed this brief but rewarding fantasy very much indeed.
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