please tell me whence The Satanic Rituals by Anton Szandor LaVey online pdf shop ipad acquire

please tell me whence The Satanic Rituals by Anton Szandor LaVey online pdf shop ipad acquire

please tell me whence The Satanic Rituals by Anton Szandor LaVey online pdf shop ipad acquire

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Book description
If the _Satanic Bible_ was an effort to explain the theory of Satanism, this book was intended as a means of disseminating and elaborating its practice. LaVey offers nine ritual scripts, together with introductory passages explaining their mythic and historical significance, to a public that evidently had no idea what to do with them. This book never achieved the popularity of the _Satanic Bible_, and even most Satanists today seem unaware or dismissive of it. This makes sense, given the latter-era Church of Satan policy that ritual magic was simply psychodrama, and had that always been the CoS position, this book would make little sense indeed. Certainly, most of the historical background for the rituals is simply fashioned from whole cloth, and therefore hardly a guide to the tradition of the Left Hand Path.But the book itself stems from a rich period of creativity and experiment in the Churchs history, and it can be seen in that light. Certain of the rituals have been adopted by serious magical groups since (eg: Die Elektrischen Vorspiele), while other, ghost-written by CoS members other than LaVey, have simply been reclaimed by their creators (eg: The Ceremony of the Nine Angles). Often ignored, but of especial importance, is the brief theoretical treatise at the end, The Unknown Known, which suggests a new Satanic Calendar based on the Norse concept of fire and ice and the number nine, central to the Left Hand Path. As the culmination of the CoSs most creative minds and times, this book may well fire flames of inspiration for those who have eyes to read for generations to come.
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