please tell me whence The Rogue Knight by Brandon Mull (Goodreads Author) sale price value ios online

please tell me whence The Rogue Knight by Brandon Mull (Goodreads Author) sale price value ios online

please tell me whence The Rogue Knight by Brandon Mull (Goodreads Author) sale price value ios online

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Book description
Cole Randolph, searching for friends kidnapped on Halloween, is trapped in the kingdom of Elloweer, a world between wakefulness and dreaming. With new friends Mira, Twitch, and Jace, Cole joins the resistance to find Mira’s sister Honor.A mysterious foe massacres towns, leaving no survivors. And a rebel Rogue Knight” upsets the balance of power. Pursued by enemies, Cole and Mira use a new kind of magic for protection and to outwit the High King, ruthlessly seeking to regain what he has lost.
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