please tell me whence The Proposition by Natasha Braithwaite (Goodreads Author) buy amazon bookstore download epub

please tell me whence The Proposition by Natasha Braithwaite (Goodreads Author) buy amazon bookstore download epub

please tell me whence The Proposition by Natasha Braithwaite (Goodreads Author) buy amazon bookstore download epub

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Book description
From the moment Nick Marten met Henry Caldwell, he saw something he wanted. Even Christie, Nick’s girlfriend felt it, a power neither of them could resist. Henry’s wealth, benevolence and flawlessness cannot hide his inner pain, the result of a damaged childhood, a mirror of Nick’s own childhood. Defying societal rules of sexuality, Nick and Christie surrender to the exquisite pleasure of Henry’s masculine power and virility. Henry ignites feelings within Nick he’d never experienced before—a burning desire and dark hunger—that only Henry could satisfy. Warning: Graphic sexual content. Contains M/M/F sexual encounters and gay sex.
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