please tell me whence The Pogo Papers by Walt Kelly price access online tom full version

please tell me whence The Pogo Papers by Walt Kelly price access online tom full version

please tell me whence The Pogo Papers by Walt Kelly price access online tom full version

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Book description
The forward, written in 1953, ends thusly: “There is no need to sally forth, for it remains true that those things that make us human are, curiously enough, always close at hand. Resolve then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving, and tinny blasts on tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us.” Somehow the book is even better than that extraordinary paragraph, which may be all you need to know about it before seeking it out for yourself and your posterity. Pogo collections should be family heirlooms, handed down from one generation to the next.This is the third collection of Pogo daily strips and like the first two it is funny, inventive, lyrical, and the next best thing to the Marx Brothers in their prime. It’s an anarchic, pun-filled swamp, Okefenokee, with characters of unimpeachable and impeachable character, the very best and worst of human nature in all its animalfestations. For example, it is in most ways with relief that Pogo loses the 1952 Presidential Election, though Churchy thinks that however good for the country it is, it would have been better for poor spellers otherwise. “It’s been better did Pogo win…could have spelt it out easier…this name got ‘N’ in it, an’ a ‘O’ an’ a few of them ‘E’s…got ‘S’ in her too.” But Pogo isn’t just easier to spell than Eisenhower, the strip, its convoluted plots, delightful characters and madcap dialogue is satire of the highest order. Pointed and funny. Politics, Little Orphan Annie, television, business, Bird Watchers and other clubs, and all individuals and groups biased toward conspiracies and group think, come into for well-earned ridicule. Walt Kelly is skeptical without being cynical. He writes and draws with brilliance. He has fearless aim and supreme judgment, and like his great contemporary in the world of journalism, Murray Kempton, he attacks the worthy without malice and doesn’t kick even the meanest dog when it’s down—though, as we’ll see as we get deeper into the 50s and Senator Joe McCarthy, he’ll take the most vicious of mad dogs to the ground without hesitation. None of that would matter, though, if he wasn’t so damn original and so damn entertaining. Pogo is enduring art, plain and simple; the collected anthologies would stand on their own hindquarters as a classic of Twentieth Century American literature. And somebody needs to attend to that because the only reliable way to find Pogo is on websites like Alibris or Powell’s bookstore, which is why, culturally speaking, we remain our own enemy.
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