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Book description
The title and description of the book made me expect something quite different, but on the surface this one still sounds like a winner. A young girl, forced into political awareness by a great societal change, must escape both the turmoil of her time and the more personal threat of an unwanted marriage. Sounds pretty interesting, right?Unfortunately, I didnt care for pretty much every other aspect of the book. Setting a story during an infamous event like the French Revolution is always risky, because the characters and plot must be strong enough to stand out over their backdrop. The Pale Assassin fails that test.Eugenie is a bland protagonist who floats through the plot and does very little of interest until the final pages. The story is often advanced by either things she overhears or the things those around her choose to do with her. The other characters may be more active, but theyre equally flat. The person who provoked the biggest reaction in me was one of the obvious villains - and its not the vengeful revolutionary, whose motivation for a decade long punish the children of my enemy vendetta is more sad or silly than sinister.The author seems much more interested in the setting than character or story. Several scenes feel awkward or highly coincidental so that a real historical figure or event can be incorporated, and I cant help but feel that those pages would have been better spent filling out the sparse backgrounds of the characters. The writing has a stiff style that may be partly due to this focus.Through the entire story, people do obviously stupid things, and the plot relies entirely on these terrible, unsupported decisions. It would be bad enough if they were constantly wrong, but theyre also inconsistent. One encounter near the end of the book was handled in a ridiculous way, seemingly to leave something foolish for Eugenie to do in the inevitable sequel. The romance plot was predictable and barely built up to at all.Some of my issues with the book could have been forgiven if Id been able to care much about Eugenie, but she spent too long as the empty-headed aristocrat that everyone took her for.
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