please tell me whence The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Quotations by Peter Kemp (Editor) reader read page writer djvu

please tell me whence The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Quotations by Peter Kemp (Editor) reader read page writer djvu

please tell me whence The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Quotations by Peter Kemp (Editor) reader read page writer djvu

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Book description
This newly expanded edition of the acclaimed Oxford Dictionary of Literary Quotations illuminates the world of the writer, from Shakespeare to Stephen King, from the quill to the PC. Covering all aspects of literary life, this edition is now enriched with new themes and memorable quotations from recent favorites such as Jonathan Franzen, J.K. Rowling, and Donna Tartt. Celebrating over 3,000 years of writing, the dictionarys 4,000 quotations are arranged thematically and chronologically by author within each topic. Full keyword and author indexes ensure that a favorite quotation or author can be located quickly. From Tools of the Trade to Writers Block, from Fables and Fairy Tales to Earning a Living, The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Quotations brings us the wittiest, most profound, most surprising, and most memorable words of the worlds greatest writers on all aspects of their lives and work.
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