please tell me whence The Osterman Weekend by Robert Ludlum read pdf on iphone

please tell me whence The Osterman Weekend by Robert Ludlum read pdf on iphone

please tell me whence The Osterman Weekend by Robert Ludlum read pdf on iphone

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Book description
Early 1970’s spy thriller from Robert Ludlum, the Bourne guy. U.S. versus the Soviets, the Cold War. Ludlum levels up the paranoia to Paranoia and finally to PARANOIA!!Do the Soviets have sleeper agents, code named Omega, working for them who will covertly topple the American economic system once given the word? The CIA enlists TV producer, John Tanner in order to take Omega out of the picture. He’s getting together with three couples for their annual week end; one or all three have ties with Omega. Each couple is approached with information that the other couples and Tanner are wise to them. Let the mind games begin. Ludlum does an effective job ratcheting up the tension; the ending, though perfunctory, isn’t totally unsatisfying (or unbelievable), just standard fare for this type of book.The book was made into an almost indecipherably obtuse movie back in the 1980’s. This isn’t a Bourne/Bond book. The conflict, for most of the book, is more cerebral than action-oriented, plus the movie was horribly miscast. Avoid.
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