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please tell me whence The No Plot? No Problem! Novel-Writing Kit by Chris Baty iphone kindle cheap free shop

please tell me whence The No Plot? No Problem! Novel-Writing Kit by Chris Baty iphone kindle cheap free shop

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Book description
Aspiring novelists dont need an MFA in creative writing, a book agent, an airtight plot, or a winsome cast of characters to get a novel writtenthey dont even need to know what theyre doing. All thats needed is a little determination and this high-octane kit to kick motivation into overdrive and inspire users to produce a 50,000-word book in an exhilarating, invigorating month long Noveling Adventure. Includes: 48-page booklet 31 Daily Noveling Briefsrecommended allowances of writing advice and activities for every day of the noveling month Guided, month long, displayable log for keeping track of progress Motivational materials, pep-talking letters, and commitment coupons The Mighty Badge of the Triumphant Wordsmith
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