please tell me whence The Metabarons #1: Othon & Honorata by Alejandro Jodorowsky price access online tom full version

please tell me whence The Metabarons #1: Othon & Honorata by Alejandro Jodorowsky price access online tom full version

please tell me whence The Metabarons #1: Othon & Honorata by Alejandro Jodorowsky price access online tom full version

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Book description

Book description
The series is brilliant and absurd in parts, it’s a retelling of the family history of the Metabarons, five generation, each having their own weird tale.At the start was enjoying the art and epicenes of the world but felt the plot moved too fast without developing the characters. There were very few real dialogues, in fact the only ones I was enjoying was the banter between the two drones as the series progressed those became hornier and crazier. Chapter 4 seemed to be the turning point, more like the foundation and start of the series. The storyline is filled with some crazy adventures and creepy twists, the plot moves to and fro between great ideas to childlike imagination. The art is fabulous, a mixture of steampunk and acid driven though process. I read half the series from the original publications of year 2000 and the rest from 2012. Wording is the same but the new publication is of much better quality, the colour seems redone, which did make a huge difference.
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