please tell me whence The Marriage Debt by Louise Allen (Goodreads Author) pc free original full link

please tell me whence The Marriage Debt by Louise Allen (Goodreads Author) pc free original full link

please tell me whence The Marriage Debt by Louise Allen (Goodreads Author) pc free original full link

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Book description
Is she a highwaymans bride...Marrying a highwayman awaiting execution is Miss Katherine Cunninghams only hope -- for that way her crippling debts will die with him. But it turns out that her new husband, Nicholas Lydgate, is innocent -- and the son of a duke! ...or the wife of a marquis? Katherine is determined to save his life, although this will make a temporary husband into a permanent one! Truth be known, she is attracted to Nicholas, but she wont hold him to a union made in such circumstances -- until he shows he cares for her...
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