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This reminded me a great deal of The Dukes Double by Anita Mills. Both were about a young man who took another persons word and divorced his wife for infidelity, cutting her from his life rather quickly and impulsively. In both cases, the wife was unknowingly pregnant at the time.The night he believes his wife cheated on him, Lord Sterling takes off to join the Napoleonic wars. He also begins divorce proceedings. Seven years later he is back in England with battle injuries and bitterness over his failed marriage.His ex, Miranda, was shunned by her own family and taken in by the heros kind aunt. She and her son have been living in virtuous poverty in Scotland. Miranda refuses to allow the aunt to provide for her beyond shelter and food and spends her time nursing the townsfolk with herbs. All while staying away from men. The aunt inherits some property in England and they return around the same time the hero returns from the war. Of course, they run into one another almost immediately. The hero soon learns he has a son and sets out to know him. In the process, he and Miranda fall in love again. However, Miranda is - understandably - quite bitter about the divorce.There is some adventure/suspense in the form of local rabble rousers and a nice cast of supporting characters. It was an enjoyable read, for the most part. Quite innocent compared to most romances today. There was little mention of sexual things and no sex scene as was common in the Signet Regencies.(view spoiler)[What made this just a like was the lack of grovel or a big reveal until the very end. The guilty party doesnt pay, or even make an appearance in the present. I forgave the hero for being so impulsive. He was not presented as a bad guy or an alphhole, but rather a young nobleman who had let his questionable friends influence him more than they should. In the end, he decided to forgive Miranda for her indiscretion and take blame on himself since he was spending too much time at the clubs with these so-called friends instead of staying home with his wife. He wasnt smug. He didnt consider he was being magnanimous by wanting to re-marry the heroine. War and time had given him more maturity and perspective. Still..... Its grating when the wife is innocent. He believed her without question when she explained the truth and was overcome with guilt, but it was so late in the game by then. I wanted to see him work harder. I wanted to see him suffer. Yeah, yeah - he was injured in war, but it was his stupid ass decision to go to begin with. Plus, he had apparently not lacked for expensive mistresses abroad or at home while the heroine was nursing the sick in noble poverty. He even had a mistress when he first returned to England, shortly before seeing the heroine again. I require a bit more blood from the hero to balance the scales in these type of cases. (hide spoiler)]
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