please tell me whence The Krytos Trap by Michael A. Stackpole (Goodreads Author) download book txt

please tell me whence The Krytos Trap by Michael A. Stackpole (Goodreads Author) download book txt

please tell me whence The Krytos Trap by Michael A. Stackpole (Goodreads Author) download book txt

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Book description
The Rebels have taken the Imperial headquarters world of Coruscant, but their problems are far from over. A killer virus called Krytos is spreading among the population, and fomenting a counter-revolution, at the same time as the treason trial of Rebel hero Tycho Celchu. And X-wing pilot Corran Horn, given up for dead in Icehearts inescapable prison, discovers an extraordinary power in himself--the power of the Force!
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