please tell me whence The Joy of Linux: A Gourmet Guide to Open Source by Michael Hall fb2 price how to eReader book

please tell me whence The Joy of Linux: A Gourmet Guide to Open Source by Michael Hall fb2 price how to eReader book

please tell me whence The Joy of Linux: A Gourmet Guide to Open Source by Michael Hall fb2 price how to eReader book

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Book description
The Joy of Linux aims to be about the whys of Linux. The fact is, theres a core to Linux that transcends a list of things you can type to get other things to happen. Theres something to it that goes beyond faster and better. People loved it before it was either. The Joy of Linux will help clarify that love. This book will answer many questions. Why all the excitement? Where did all of the Linux users come from? What sort of community has room for a guy dressed like Obi Wan Kenobi and a blue-suited IBM old-timer? The Joy of Linux is also about making Linux work better. Some of the creative tools available to Linux users are almost inevitable because of the nature of the Linux community. Readers will learn about them and a little about how to use them. Thats The Joy of Linux in a nutshell: cultural history, field guide, and love song.
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