please tell me whence The Hunting & Gathering Survival Manual: 221 Primitive & Wilderness Survival Skills by Tim MacWelch look eng full story read

please tell me whence The Hunting & Gathering Survival Manual: 221 Primitive & Wilderness Survival Skills by Tim MacWelch look eng full story read

please tell me whence The Hunting & Gathering Survival Manual: 221 Primitive & Wilderness Survival Skills by Tim MacWelc…

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Book description
A manual for the modern hunter-gatherer, Outdoor Life s Hunting & Gathering Survival Manual will teach you everything you need to know about foraging, hunting, and cooking in the wild. From finding wild edible plants to subsistence hunting, youll learn how to live off the land while hunting like a caveman—and eating like a king. With high-quality design, intricate detail, and a durable flexicover—this manual is the perfect gift!HUNT AND FISH IN THE WILD Whether you’re using modern weapons, old-fashioned snares, or your own two hands, this book will show you the amazing range of hands-on (literally!) methods for catching and cooking your prey. HARVEST NATURES BOUNTY Use the detailed field guides to gather edible plants, nuts, and mushrooms, then turn them into gourmet meals with field-tested camp cooking tips. BE A SURVIVOR Prepare for any emergency, whether you’re lost in the woods or surviving a natural disaster. Find local, organic foods, and grow them yourself. Learn the secrets of herbal medicine and traditional remedies. This book demystifies it all, with simple hints and step-by-step illustrations to make you a self-sufficient survivor—in your backyard and in the wild.
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