please tell me whence The Granite Moth by Erica Wright (Goodreads Author) touch francais english online view

please tell me whence The Granite Moth by Erica Wright (Goodreads Author) touch francais english online view

please tell me whence The Granite Moth by Erica Wright (Goodreads Author) touch francais english online view

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Book description
It begins with a bang: Kathleen Stone is watching her friend Dolly and his fellow drag queens perform at the Halloween Parade when their float explodes. Suspecting sabotage, the clubs owner hires Kat to find the culprit. But Kat hasnt given up on bringing gangster Salvatore Magrelli to justice and finds herself pulled between identities. While navigating both the grit and glamour of New York City, she realizes that sometimes love and hate can be hard to tell apart.
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