please tell me whence The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson (Goodreads Author) kindle ebay bookshop free mp3

please tell me whence The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson (Goodreads Author) kindle ebay bookshop free mp3

please tell me whence The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson (Goodreads Author) kindle ebay bookshop free mp3

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Book description
The Gargoyle: the mesmerizing story of one mans descent into personal hell and his quest for salvation.On a dark road in the middle of the night, a car plunges into a ravine. The driver survives the crash, but his injuries confine him to a hospital burn unit. There the mysterious Marianne Engel, a sculptress of grotesques, enters his life. She insists they were lovers in medieval Germany, when he was a mercenary and she was a scribe in the monastery of Engelthal. As she spins the story of their past lives together, the mans disbelief falters; soon, even the impossible can no longer be dismissed.
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