please tell me whence The Emergence of Pakistan by Chaudhri Muhammad Ali full version original acquire book look

please tell me whence The Emergence of Pakistan by Chaudhri Muhammad Ali full version original acquire book look

please tell me whence The Emergence of Pakistan by Chaudhri Muhammad Ali full version original acquire book look

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Book description
Written by a former Pakistani Prime Minister, this book attempts to describe the history behind the partition of the subcontinent of India. Although the author claims that he was aware that there might be bias in his part and would try to undo it by citing sources, the bias seemed to linger on. A couple of pages into the book when he describes the Hindus and Muslims, this bias becomes apparent. His bias toward Islam is vivid and his bias towards Pakistan and against India jumps out of the page. Although I appreciated the work put into this book and the insights he had provided, I hardly doubt that the Congress and the Hindu leaders were as evil as he presented. He also might have been tempted, in the later years, to retract some of the things he has said regarding Pakistan. It seemed to the Muslim leaders of the time that they were creating a utopian society whose values were based on Islam. Pakistan is still an Islamic country but it is miles away from becoming anything close to a utopia. A country plagued by terrorism, Islamic fundamentalism, and the frequent military coups—the author was perhaps saddened to see the country divided again into two parts, this time the eastern part becoming Bangladesh. Somebody should have really told the politicians that a country like the one shown below, with thousands of miles of India in between, was never to succeed.The image is from the Ohio State Universitys website:
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