please tell me whence The Diabetes Diet: Dr. Bernsteins Low-Carbohydrate Solution by Richard K. Bernstein ebook flibusta book access epub

please tell me whence The Diabetes Diet: Dr. Bernsteins Low-Carbohydrate Solution by Richard K. Bernstein ebook flibusta book access epub

please tell me whence The Diabetes Diet: Dr. Bernsteins Low-Carbohydrate Solution by Richard K. Bernstein ebook flibusta book a…

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Book description

Book description
The Diabetes DietBy Richard K. Bernstein M.D.SYNOPSIS:This is not a novel. It’s informative text on one diabetic/doctor’s experience with this disease. He offers incite into the cause, management and prevention to this problem that is plaguing Americans. REVIEW:Did you know that insulin is the ONLY reason we retain fat! Well this idea was news to me and caught me from the beginning. I also learned what it means to have a ‘carb addiction’ and what happens when you are insulin resistant. I was absolutely astounded when I read which foods cause blood sugar levels to spike. I knew it wasn’t just refined sugar, but I had no idea whole grains were a nemesis along with some beans and practically ALL fruit! Wow.Not only was I impressed by the information provided but I also loved how Dr. Bernstein came to these findings and conclusions. He has been a diabetic since his youth and started running experiments on himself. He was a forty-something-year-old engineer when he decided to go to medical school in order for his research to be taken seriously by the medical community. I loved that! It’s never too late to do hard things and accomplish your hearts desire. I think I read the entire book with my mouth opened in disbelief at what was being presented. Rather than blindly take his word for it, I decided to get my own blood sugar meter and put it to the test. Many finger pricks and 10 lost pounds later, he made a believer out of me. Some critics will say his stringent diet is unnecessary due to the availability of insulin injections, medications and/or a functioning pancreas. To them I say…it may be so, but if I can be disciplined to only fuel my body with what is necessary won’t that empower me in more ways than one? I thoroughly enjoyed this book and give it 4-stars.
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