please tell me whence The Devil in Iron by Robert E. Howard portable online fb2 audio read

please tell me whence The Devil in Iron by Robert E. Howard portable online fb2 audio read

please tell me whence The Devil in Iron by Robert E. Howard portable online fb2 audio read

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Book description

Book description
Conan leads the kozaks, or wastrels, a growing band of raiders that harry the mighty kingdom of Turan. Jehungir Agha, lord of Khawarizm and keeper of the coastal border is responsible for stopping them. His wily counsellor, Ghaznavi, must have read some of the previous chronicles and thinks he knows how to get to the barbarian - beautiful women and strong drink. Using Octavia, the daughter of a Nemedian lord taken into slavery, as bait - especially chosen for her vitality and substantial figure- the island of Xapur, which rises sheer from the Vilayet Sea, becomes the scene of a deadly trap for Conan and the resurrection of a thousand year old city and its transubstantiated being from the Abyss, Khosatral Khel. The Devil in Iron is a curates egg of a Conan chronicle, where some sloppy plotting is (almost) redeemed by a terrific full-throttled finale, where the mighty thews of the Cimmerian are thrice tested in a hat-trick of confrontations.
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