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please tell me whence The Boys of Dorm D by Rin Sparrow (Goodreads Author) ebook reading phone torrent online

please tell me whence The Boys of Dorm D by Rin Sparrow (Goodreads Author) ebook reading phone torrent online

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Book description

Book description
Most of my boy love fiction can be found on my website (, along with juicy illustrations and details about membership! Im pretty proud of my work on the site- I love my characters and its so much fun writing the stories! I update every single week to one of 3 steamy, original fics (I also have posted revised revisions of my fanfics for Fake and Tsubasa)! You can also win free yaoi manga from the site too (as if all the fiction wasnt enough!)Stop by and let me know what you think! I promise youll get hooked onto at least one of the stories! *hehehe*Long live yaoi!
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