please tell me whence The Blood-Type Diet: Your Personalized Diet and Exercise Program by James L. D'Adamo online how to look sale format

please tell me whence The Blood-Type Diet: Your Personalized Diet and Exercise Program by James L. D'Adamo online how to look sale format

please tell me whence The Blood-Type Diet: Your Personalized Diet and Exercise Program by James L. D'Adamo online how to look

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Book description
I still dont know if the diet works for my type because I still havnt tried it out completely ( but that is what I planning to do now) but from my observations of other people how the look and what they eat I must say this theory is believable. I am type A(II) vegetarian type.An this book made me realize that meat does make me feel worse so I startes eating it in moderation and now Im much better. The fitness part made me feel more relaxed about my breathing problem and fatigue and nausea after a normal intense cardio-workout the doctors didnt find anything wrong but after I started working out less intensively chossing fast-walking over running and yoga/pilates over aerobics My body felt much better and I actually started to lose weight.There are some things I cant take-out from intake because Im used to eating them like milk and tomatoes so I dont completly follow this book 100%.I eat them less now though. Its good to balance and see what works for you . This books just helps to start.
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