please tell me whence The Ballad of the Pirate Queens by Jane Yolen (Goodreads Author) online doc portable kindle wiki

please tell me whence The Ballad of the Pirate Queens by Jane Yolen (Goodreads Author) online doc portable kindle wiki

please tell me whence The Ballad of the Pirate Queens by Jane Yolen (Goodreads Author) online doc portable kindle wiki

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Book description

Book description
Two sailors were keeping watch alone when the governors men stormed aboard the Vanity. Those two--the legend-inspiring pirate queens Anne Bonney and Mary Reade--fought bravely but called in vain for their shipmates, who sported and drank below deck. Jane Yolens stirring ballad immortalizes these two daring women and offers readers an intriguing look at life on the high seas.
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